When Middle-earth
takes on beta, we would love player's to create there own personalized
player guide's on the different classes
of Middle-earth,
take there own style of need, and supply us with some screenshot's to put
around the player guide, for other player's
to look at in
awe. This is an own custom thing for you people, be happy. You can write
up your own Player Guide and get it published here,
on say, how being
a elven ranger is so fun, or the danger's of being an assasin. You can
also supply your own screenshots, well atleast three to five. All you must
do too make a player guide is, write one up on a place or class, attach
some screenshots, and email the player guide to us. We will handle the
rest, by creating it. If you would like something special with your Player
Guide, then specify it when you mail us.
Subject's to
There is a wide
varity of subject's to write Player Guides on you know. The following one's
are the one's we will take - Classes, Places, Festival's or Events, Guide's
to weaponery, armor, status, or for example: Riding Horse's, guides for
Camping, guides for avoiding PK's, and guide's to traps, and monster behaivior.
If you want you can include a map with your Player Guide, that you made,
or got from someone, but it will be placed in the citymap/crossroad map
section, but also there will be a link from your Player Guide to the map,
so it's easyer to get at.
Try to add some
humor and roleplaying into your Player Guide, please keep your character
inline, and no unapropiate language, incase minor's are reading it, MERealm
respect's all, and we don't want our server hoster, taking down our site,
doubting that it will happen anyway.
Roleplaying is
good thing to get people intrested in your Guide, and keep them intrested,
and for all those who arn't in the beta, to learn more about the game,
and cross there finger's to be in the next beta.
Names of People
and places
Yes you can name
people you know and places, we don't mind at all, we just hope they don't.
Please ask the person before putting him/her in the Player Guide, we don't
want to upset them for publishing there name in one of our Player Guides,
that would be a little strange though, since everyone want's to usually
be in the Player Guide. Place names are a need for different Player Guides,
where you travel, and stop in is an great idea to add, and for Place Guides,
just take screenshot's of the most important and awesome looking building's
and area's.
So thats all
One more note,
if your going to mail us a player guide to us please include your character
name, and race and class.
If you would like
to email us a Player Guide right now, click here.
Here is the list of Player Guides people have put together for your viewing
Were sorry but
there are no Player Guides yet, please help us by creating one and mailing
it to us, thanks.
Copyright 1999 MERealm Productions.
All Rights Reserved.