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  • The Land So Merry
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  • City Maps
  • Crossroad Maps
  • Submit A Map

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  • Guilds
  • Viewer Written Scrolls
  • Bardic Songs

    -Contest Winner
    -New Contest
    -More Art
    -Contest Winner
    -A New Surprise
    -Expansion Planned
    -Welcome Cithril
  • Screenshots
  • Banners
  • Contests
  • RNet
  • Player Guides
  • Beastairy
  • Character Guide
  • Role Players Scrolls
  • Thy Mail Log In
  • Ships
  • Here Be Thy Port
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  • Guild Of The Week
  • MER Team Pic
  • While Your Waiting...
  • Magery & Combat
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     Contest Winner!!
    Hail once more traveler,
    Thank you for all your support throughout our website,
    I encourage thy to also join OBM, a great multi-class guild
    in Middle-earth, the website can be accessed here.

    Now for the winner...... *drum roll*
    Congrads to Quinn Runes you just won yourself
    a whole load of prizes and money.
    For those who didn't make it, good luck next time,
    I'm sure you will win next contest.

    BTW: Sorry we haven't been updating the site much,
    times are bit rough on my side, so don't exspect much till
    we get some more info and screenshots on the game.
    -Anafdune 24-04-99

    New Contest!!
    One contest goes, the next one comes..
    Now it's the Shire Mathom House Contest
    you can win a whole bunch of stuff,
    like a claymore sword.
    Click here to check it out.
    Also the guild of the week is the
    Ranger's Of Vengence.
    BTW: I added a new banner
    to the banner section..
    banner0, go check it out!
    And also ME will not be in
    First person view, they DEV Team does not have enough
    technology to do so, they want Middle-earth to be
    a better game graphics wise, have you ever seen
    tree's together in EQ? no, no dense forests,
    that vecause they implimented first person
    viewing, but the ME DEV team want's to have dense forests,
    so they can't put it in.
    -Anafdune 28-03-99
    More Art
    Well after getting bored looking
    at that wizard thing for awile, I decided
    to add some more art.
    This pic is another one of my own,
    It's one of my fav, a blue haired
    elven mage, check it out!
    There's nothing really different
    in the ME community that you haven't seen
    on other ME sites, so were a bit short
    on info, By the way I really need some
    writer's, heck it's an easy job..
    Your the guys and gals who get too do
    the write up's and playerguides, and
    creating subjects to organize and plan on
    at MER (MERealm), you also create tips,
    and editorial's conserning the community of
    Middle-earth. If you would like
    to be a writer contact me.
    -Anafdune 26-03-99
    Contest Winner
    Congradulation's to Matthew Brooks!
    Matt, you have won the Tolkien theme pack!!
    We will be mailing the prize to you ASP.
    It should arrive to your home withen the week.
    Matt you also have a choice of speaker's
    or a Joystick, you will have to pay
    no extra fee's for these item's.
    And Matt B. also get's 100 doller's, to buy Middle-earth,
    Plus a whole lot of other stuff, click here to see what else.
    Would you like to win like this? then check out
    the contest section for more contest's.
    -Anafdune 21-03-99
    A New Surprise
    Greetings And Salutations!
    Da Da daaaaa!!
    Since MERealm has come so far, I've come to say..
    *Drum Roll*
    I have put something early out...
    Want to know what it is?
            The Lord Of the Rings...
    THE GAME!!
    Yes now you can explore the Shire
    and Rivendell, in this timeless classic.
    But this is only the first game of the LoTR
    (like the book) You must reach Rivendell,
    from the Shire, but be warned!
    Avoid the blackriders at all costs!
    And good luck, you will need it.
    Download It Now!
    Aprox Size: 2.5 mb (zipped)
    Game Requirements
    -Some sort of Video Card.
    -WinZip to unzip the file.
    - Keyboard /or/ mouse.
    Instructions to Install
    -Download the file (lord.zip)
    -Unzip to a choosen file folder
    -Run Install.exe
    *Or Go Ahead and run Lord.exe, (works on some cpu's)*
    (or try running it in dos)
    (C: being your hard drive)
    (LORD-CD\GAME\ being the file you unzipped LoTR's too)
    -Anwser all the questions, and install.
    -Run MERealms Tutor program, by running tutor.exe
    (game instructions, *note: not tested*)
    -To play over windows, run title.exe (Optional *worse quality*)
    -To play over dos type LORD (recommended *better quality*)
    or run lord.exe
    -Anafdune 17-03-99
    Expansion Planned
    Greetings friend!
    I am planning on 'expanding' Middle-earth Realm.
    Oh yes, a little more sections will do us good.
    But it probly won't be for awile, look toward it anyway.
    Here's some underconstruction sections I've put together..
    Screenshots (hey! there's a kodak moment! *SNAP*)
    Banners (Link to us)
    Contests *already up/not listed*
    RNet (realm network) *already up/not listed*
    Minas Tirith
    Player Guides (Guides made by players, in roleplayer fasion)
    Beastiary (uh..ROAR!..moo!..quack! what do you think it is?)
    Character Guide (character bios)
    Role Players Scrolls (list yourself)
    The Grey Havens
    Thy Mail Log In (figures, we need it)
    Ships (we pick websites of the week to visit)
    Here Be Thy Port (no comment)
    Weekly Poll (n/a)
    Chat (better bring out the old :) happy faces)
    Previews (no comment)
    Blacklist (what do you think?)
    Market (no comment)
    Message Boards
    Main (it's there already)
    Developer's (*cross's fingers*)
    Guilds (list or get or find guilds)
    The Tavern (for roleplayers)
    Another note:
    The Realm Network site is up, click here to see it.
    Do you want to list a Realm site like MERealm?
    say mabye, EQRealm, or ACRealm.
    Or if you wish you can join MERealm.
    If so contact me here.
    I really need some people to help update
    this site if I'm going THAT big.
    Artwork, m'laddy artist?
    send it in. and we post it.
    We have some other thing's planned as well,
    that I cannot tell at this point.
    Live and let die,
    -Anafdune 16-03-99
    Welcome Cithril
    Greetings forever friend.
    I would like to thank all of you for your support during
    this stage at MERealm. I welcome Cithril Moonbane
    to our staff, he will work on many different
    area's on our site like Written Scrolls, maps, news,
    stories, links, msg board and much much more.
    Another note:
    Check out our new email system!
    You can have as many emails
    as you wish, using me-realm mail.
    If you wish to get a FREE MERealm email account,
    click here!
    By The Way:
    In the featured artwork section,
    check out the ME drawings,
    and french screen shots from the maginzine
    -Anafdune 15-03-99
    Update Done!
    Hail friend.
    I have sucessfully updated the entire site to the new look.
    In other news I have recieved ALOT of responses for
    the Tolkien Theme Pack Contest, and I haven't
    even got the news past the site!! If you already
    haven't check it out.
    Another note: 
    If you haven't noticed yet, I have made a banner
    image for each sections of our site,
    - Prancing Pony Inn
    - The Shire
    - Rivendell
    - The Map Room
    and The Library.
    I think this will help the user figure out what section
    there in, and besides it looks great.
    By The Way:
    I need staff members really bad, if you would like to
    become one, contact me here.
    Also I need artwork for the 'featured artwork' area
    of our site, if you have any, submit it here.
    -Anafdune 14-03-99
    New Layout
    After looking through some top Middle-earth sites,
    I decided to give MERealm a more
    'Warmer, and Pro look'.
    I have too add it to all the sections,
    So be patient as I do.
    -Anafdune 08-03-99

    Greetings and Salutations!
    Theres a contest withen our mingst!
    Yes, you could win the Tolkien Theme Pack.
    Which includes the books, videos, posters, statues,
    Cpu Equipment ect! click here for more Information.
    The winner will be posted here, so check back soon!
    Luck of the Irish to ya all.
    -Anafdune 08-03-99
    Finished Finally
    Greetings and Salutations!
    MERealm has been complete, all sections are running great!
    if your expierance any problems during your stay please,
    don't hesitate to give me a ring.
    Thou MERealm will never officially be complete,
    we still have done what we can for the basic
    stuff, next comes a staff..
    Email me if you would like to be a staff member!
    -Anafdune 07-03-99

    Almost Done
    MERealm is almost complete, the section's still to be complete are Links, The Land So Merry, Stories,
    Guilds, Viewer Written Scrolls and Bardic Songs. Here's a list of what I did..
    *News* - Changed the layout once more.
    *Festival or Events* - Got a festival or event planned? submit it there,
    or look at others happening.
    *MERealm Staff* - This section is for the staff to tell about themselves.
    *Featured Artwork* - Are you artistic? send your pictures in, and you
    will be able to share you art with everyone, at this section.
    *Message Board* - Speak your mind about Middle Earth.
    *System Requirements* - Want to make sure you have a fast
    enough cpu to run Middle Earth? check there.
    *Map Of Middle Earth* - a couple full maps of Middle Earth,
    check it out, it also has section maps.
    *City Maps* - Got a city map of one of the towns or citys
    in Middle Earth? send it in, and we will post it here.
    *Crossroad Maps* - For road maps and area maps like "The Shire."
    *Submit A Map* - Email me a map to be posted.
    *Contact* - Contact me, send comments, pics, maps, event
    listings, or anything else.
    That's all we got for now, look for updates in the other sections soon.
    -Anafdune 06-03-99
    More and More
    MERealm is on it's way to becoming a top site, but first,
    we got to get up all the sections..
    I've managed to scandel up a Message Board, fix this
    news page, add some more pics, and get the featured
    artwork section running, please email me if you
    would like to play a part in our staff.
    -Anafdune 06-03-99
    In need Of Staff
    Well guess what I'm missing,
    First of all I need someone who can write up a message board.
    Second I need some featured artwork to be displayed.
    Third I want anyone who has time to work on a website.
    If you would like to be part of MERealm,
    Contact me here
    -Anafdune 03-03-99
    FAQ Section added!
    I added the FAQ section today, if you can't get into it, try reloa-
    ding the page, it holds the official ME FAQ, for all that haven't
    seen it yet.
    -Anafdune 03-03-99
    Welcome To MEREALM!
    Welcome and Greetings traveler!
    To the Official Middle Earth Realm. Today is the grand
    opening, and I would like to thank you for coming.
    The only section up right now is Introduction,
    be patient, for we will add more sections soon.
    I decided, in partation of Middle Earth, the game,
    I would create a website, holding many different
    faces of the book, and new ones like me.

    -Anafdune 02-03-99

    Welcome To MERealm News.
    Welcome and Salutations traveler!
    To the Middle Earth Realm News. 
    Today is a grand day, one more day
    gone by, while we all wate for
    Middle Earth to come out.
    <End of the line , go to old news for older news>


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    This page is copyright 99 Middle Earth Realm and
    1999 JRR Tolkien, nothing on this site be used in whole or hafe without
    further permission by the website owner.
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