Being in a group can be funner
then being alone,
people to fight with, people to watch your back and people to sit down and share ale and stories with. -Anafdune |
A list of guilds and clans intrusted withen our archieves.
Alive without breath;
as cold as death;
never thirsting, ever drinking;
clad in mail,
never clinking.
Drowns on dry land,
thinks an island
is a mountain;
thinks a fountain
is a puff of air.
So sleek, so fair!
What a joy to meet!
We only wish
to catch
a fish,
so juicy-sweet!
-Gollum's Riddle
A list of Guilds:
Example of listing:
Name: Knights
Of Brightblade (H)
Leader: Karnis
Website: http://www.kob.com/
Contact: karnis@kobemail.com
Name: | Leader: | Website: | Contact/info: |
Human Guild (H) | Elf Guild {E} | Dwarf Guild [D] | Hobbit Guild<H> |
{E} Rangers of Vengeance | Tar Telperien | http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Galaxy/6946 | Contact: ICQ#19690151
telperien@geocities.com Info: We are on a quest for the preservation of all things good and the demise of evil. We are mainly a ranger based guild, however other warrior's and those skilled in trades or knowledge are most welcome to join us or our brother alliances. |
Circle of the Blue Moon | Jari Kafghan | http://members.xoom.com/Feagor | Contact: seraphthesilver@hotmail.com
(Orcs) Uruk-hai | Ugluk | Not yet. | Contact: nazgulk@aol.com
Z |
Enoreth Arunsun (anafdune) | http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Tower/1312/ | Contact: enoreth@obm.zzn.com
Info: I will lead this guild by virtues commended of the oath of the brotherhood. Honor, Respect, Secrecy, Justice, Valor, and Sacrifice. When joining OBM, we take an oath of these virtues, to follow and obay them with our minds, will, and heart. We seek member's who believe in each other and what we stand for, who benifit the guild as a whole. |
Add Your Guild
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*WARNING: spamed applications or useless ones
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